Car-Free Days During the Pope’s Visit in Dili

Dili 16 August 2024

The Pope will be visiting Dili from September 9 to 11, 2024. The government, along with Catholic Church authorities, has been preparing to host a series of events. According to the schedule, the Pope's major Mass will be held on the afternoon of September 10th  at Tasi-Tolu, a designated event field for large gatherings. The Pope’s other activities will take place at various locations, including the National Cathedral, the Dili Convention Center, and other sites. The Pope will be staying at Lecidere, the Vatican’s residential compound in Dili.

According to sources quoted by UCANEWS, 700,000 out of 1.3 million Timorese are expected to attend the Mass on September 10. This indicates that the majority of Timorese Catholics are profoundly enthusiastic about the Pope’s visit. However, there are concerns about whether such a large number of people can be accommodated at the Tasi-Tolu event field. It is likely that some attendees will follow the Mass through various media, such as TV, social media, and radio.

The organizing committee is managing pilgrim registrations based on their domiciles. The 13 municipalities will be clustered and organized according to the venue layout. If the estimated large number of pilgrims does flock to the venue on that day, it will represent the largest gathering in the last 24 years.

Dili is a relatively small city, spanning only 7 kilometers from east to west and 3 kilometers from the coastline to the hillside. Most of the habitable land is densely packed with housing and buildings. Dili has only two major avenues in the city center, and there is just one access road leading to and from Tasi-Tolu, where the Mass will take place.

Plans are in place to suspend city traffic during the events. Only emergency vehicles will be allowed to operate in Dili, and traffic from the municipalities will be restricted from entering the city. Public sector offices and schools will be closed, while private offices and international agencies will work from home. These measures aim to reduce city traffic and ensure smooth event operations over the three days.

Instead, people will be required to walk to get around. Pilgrims coming from outside Dili will need to walk from nearby areas to Tasi-Tolu. This will significantly alter the Dili's original face. despite only for three days. There are several benefits to this arrangement, including reduced air pollution, increased physical activity, and improved public health. However, there may also be challenges and impacts. Therefore, the committee needs a detailed and coordinated plan to manage and mitigate any unintended effects on the Pope, the pilgrims, and the Dili community at large.

Can We Learn Something from This?

Yes, the lesson is that as Dili continues to grow, it may face challenges in accommodating such large events in the future. Population growth and urban development are consuming the limited land area, leaving little space for traffic and causing potential issues. Unanticipated population overcrowd and traffic congestion could result in significant social, environmental, and economic losses. Therefore, planning the city with effective public transport, pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, and improved accessibility will make Dili more livable but also more prepared for a better future visits from the Pope or other foreign dignitaries. With that we will avoid total shutdown of traffic that may shock the city's dynamics.  

We still need to see the capacity on how the whole system would work to balance the Pope's safety and security while also minimizing the impact on the daily lives of Dili residents. 

*I hope this gives you an inspiration.  

Tasitolu Klamar Inspirativu Isin Kulafur, Amo Papa Mos Bele Doko Ulun

Dili 20 Abril 2024

Nudár nasaun kuaze maioria absoluta ho populasaun religiaun kristaun katólika, Tasitolu hanesan sítiu istoríku legendáriu. Iha 12 Outubro 1989 Amu Papa João Paulo II visita mai Timór iha tempu neba. Gerasaun sira ne’ebé momentu partisipa iha funu hasoru Indonésiu sira sai sasin no sira sente duni Tasitolu nain sira nebe invisível hamutuk ho sira. Tanba ne’e sira baráni halo asaun demonstrasaun kona ba ukun rasik an hasóru Amo Papa maske iha rísku tebes ba sira nia moris. Hau senti katak Vatikánu no mós Roma sei iha rekordasaun istória rai didiak hela iha sira nia biblioteka. Wain ema sira iha nebá lê lívru ou vídeo ruma sira imagina fatin ne’e nudar fatin sagradu tan ne’e espera katak mantein ho diak. No sira sei mai konfirma diretamente iha fulan Setembru 2024.

Iha okasiaun eventu festa independensia tinan 2002, ita ninia lideransa sira designa Tasitolu sai hanesan jardim ba dame. Tasitolu hanesan símbolu ba Amo Papa nebe lori dame no esperansa ba Timoroan iha moméntu neba. Tanba istória no kultura Timor oan sira gosta oho malu, vinga malu, ódiu malu, no laran moras ba malu (pior liu até a data), entaun designasaun Tasitolu nudar jardim dame ne’e bele fo inspirasaun ba povu hodi fó liman ba malu hamutuk maun alin hodi halo desenvolvimentu atu ensi ukun an nebe sosa ho ruin ho ran.

Iha tinan 2024 ida ne’e, Amo Papa Francis atu visita mai iha Timor-Leste. Fatin ba Amo papa ninia atividade prinsipal maka halo misa konsetra iha Tasitolu. Delegasaun husi Vatikánu, konvidadus, no povu no sarani tomak sei konsetra hotu iha neba. Preparasaun agora namanas los. Komisaun organizadora husi estadu prepara hela fatin refere, liu-liu konstrusaun palku atu Amo Papa hamrik hodi halo misa bá. Foin dadauk iha loron hirak liu ba  ita akompanha iha sosial media, kordenador komisaun organizadora husi estadu no tékniku (teki-niki) sira hakilar malu no haksesuk malu kona ba asuntu tékniku iha Amo Kardeal no Representate Vatikánu ninia oin. Ida ne’e atu hatudu katak kordenador sira mesak kátolika puru no fanátiku ate to’o haksesuk malu (ne’e o nia masin kaut maka ne’e).

Ho istória Tasitolu ninian, naran Tasitolu agora sai nudar sentru atensaun ba ema hotu tanba valores ne’ebé partinente ona. Maibé aparensia físika (tampak fisik) hanesan ema kbit laek ne’ebé temi nia naran deit mas lá iha liu atensaun. Tasitolu hanesan lá haris komesa husi tinan 1989. Iha tinan 2002, fo saráni tia maibé bé sani maran keleur tona. Ema sira ne’ebé fo sarani mos agora lao dok ba fó sarani ema seluk iha fat-fatin. Entaun Tasitolu Helena deit to’o agora. Wain hira Amo Papa atu mai visita, apa sani sira lufu-lafu kuru be’e hodi fó haris, pinta kintu-kantu nune’e bele fó impresaun katólikismu tebes. Krédiku imagem diak hetan ba lideransa no polítiku sira. Maibé ha’u fiar katak Ema ou Lider klase hanesan Amo Papa Francis, iha ninia matan rasik, tilun rasik, no sentimetu rasik atu bele haré Timor-Leste nudár povu. Nia sei lá fiar absoluta deit impresaun sira haré husi atendementu protokolu, no mos aparensia sítiu físiku iha ninia rute viagem liu ba-mai iha sidade. Tanba sasan sira ne’e hetan konstrusaun ho objetivu atu simu los deit Amo Papa.

Tasitolu nia naran inspirativu maibé isin kulafur. Ita haré tok Tasitolu nudar ground zero ba Amo Papa João Paulo II iha tinan 1989. Kapela oan sei manten ninia estrutura intaktu. Maibé area kapela lá iha baliza protesaun ruma. Ema bele asesu ba-mai tun-sae ba laran konforme. Lá iha jestaun ida  kona ba asesu ba Kapela designadu dehan sagradu. Lá iha siguransa iha areadores Kapela refere tanba ne’e kualker atividade ema bele halo iha neba. Bele toba iha neba, hein transporte públiku, namora, hemu tua, bele, bele mos hein malu atu sae ring iha neba. Estrutura kapela ne’e mos tuan ona, sumentu reboka sira monu sai, ema pinta tun sae no seluk tan nebe halo kapela refere lá serve duni ninia status nudar fatin sagradu.

Tasitolu nia âmbitu klamar no isin extende ba liur tan. Lagoa Tasitolu maka sai hanesan karakterístika natural. Maibe Lagoa refere agora foer tanba ema soe foer iha neba. Ema soe foer sintinia, fase ropa foer, no lixu sira. Lagoa hanesan habitat ba animal raru sira, habitat mos ba biodiversidade ne’ebé presiza mantein hodi halo balansu ekosistema moris nia iha sidade Dili. Maibé tanba foer, karakterístiku natural sira ne’e komesa lakon ou lakon neneik; nu fim ekosistema bele at nune nia afeta ba meiu ambiente eg geral iha Tasitolu no Dili laran tomak.

Aspetu seluk ne’ebé bisa-bisa halo Amo Papa mos doko ulun maka habitasaun komunidade. Abitasaun ho klase favela buras tebes iha área refere. Maske iha 2002 Tasitolu hetan sarani nudar fatin sagradu no mos sai jardim ba dame, laiha esforsu neing ida atu bele realiza visaun refere. Ida ne’e indiskutivel tanba realidade maka hatudu. Priméiru, Tasitolu seidauk iha planu integradu ida atu bele envisiona ninia status hanesa fatin sagradu no jardim ba dame. Iha inisiativu agoismu, individualismu, grupuismu, no elitismu ne’ebé maka ita rona dala barak iha media. Hanesan projetu hotel Pelican Paradise, projetu edifísiu parlamentu nasional, no mos projetu husi Ministériu turismu nebe kala nain hira oan  tur koalia ba malu hasai kedan desenhu kona ba koseitu desenvolviment fatin sagradu Tasitolu. Inisiativu hotu sira ne’e lá han malu ho visaun Tasitolu nebe sarani ona. Nune mos, ita bele hare, inisiativu hira nee sei iha mehi deit no halo publisidade deit. Maibe laiha ida maka implementa too agora.

Buat sira hanesan guvernu planu laiha, visaun laiha, kontrolu laiha no asaun laiha maka fó espasu ba habitasaun favela nakonu ona. Duke hein atu guvernu bele realiza ninia visaun Tasitolu hanesan jardim ba dame no fatin sagradun, povu ninia visaun maka prevalese uluk tia ona. Povu ninia planu no asaun maka manan uluk ona duke guvernu ninia planu no visaun. Povu sira hanoin katak laiha planu ba Tasitolu, laiha regulamentu nebe maka konsistente no responsavel entaun sira invade tia area refere tanba nesesidade harí hela fatin. Povu lá bele dunik hein guvernu atu kria kondisaun ba sira tanba lentu liu entaun sira foti inisiativa rasik tanba nesesidade urgente. Uma hanesan nesesidade básika ba ema ida. Populasaun aumenta ba bebeik iha sidade Dili maibe espasu lá nato’on atu akomoda. Hela area Tasitolu maka mamuk, luan, no free, hein fali k? gass Brooo.

Nu fim komunidade kria rasik sira nia habitasaun, forma rasik sira nia ordenamentu habitasaun baseia ba nesesidade maibe laos baseia ba padraun ruma; sira rasik fornese sira nia infraestrutura basika, no mos sira rasik halo gestaun baseia ba sira nia kapasidade finanseira. Guvernu só ba halo sensus deit no mos ba organiza hodi tuir eleisaun parlamentar, presidensial, no eleisaun chefi suku deit. Restu, entrega tomak ba nain sira halo rasik.

Ho ida ne’e kondisaun lá dignu tanba sira harí uma ho materia nebe ho kualidade temporariu, ho kustu baratu entaun sira nia hela fatin lá seguru. Dala ruma anin mai bele sobu lalais, udan mai be bele tama. Konsekuensia seluk fali maka infraestrutura básika lá adekuadu tanba na’in sira kria tuir ninia kapasidade. Entaun soe foer be bot no ki’ik lá tuir pandraun higeniu ninian; laiha fatin soe lixu doméstiku nune halo susuk barak mos. Kondisaun hira nee bele afeta ba populuasaun sira ninia saude.  

Kondisaun físiku ida seluk maka kona bá lao dalan kareta ou motor (Estrada) iha rai luan Tasitolu ne’ebé lá iha planta arrangamentu espasu ruma. Rai luan Tasitolu babain sai fatin atividade konsertu no kampanha no tividade festivu seluk sira. Tanba laiha planta ba Estrada entaun ninia konfigurasaun hare hanesan ramu ai parapa nian. Estrada tutan-malun tesik-malu laiha orientasaun klaru. Kuandu ita lao maka kria rasik Estrada iha kampu luan refere. Hanesan los iha alam bebas.  

Atividade sira seluk nebe lá kompativel ho visaun sagradu no jardim dame ida seluk maka sai hanesan fatin ba aprende kareta ou kondus kareta; iha mos servisu terminal transporte públiku temporáriu mos, iha fatin paragem nebe uluk halo atu atende ba kareta sira nebe mai asiste eventu ou festa boot 20 de maiu iha Tasitolu. Maibe tanba to’o agora laiha terminal transpote públiku harí iha neba atu bele atende nesesidade servisu transporte públiku nian ba movimentu trafiku mai husi parte Loromonu nian, entaun uza ona sai terminal. Atividade sira ne’e kuaze akontese tuir situasaun no gostu deit. Nune povu mos toman at ona hakarak bá hela iha iha kualker fatin tuir gostu deit.

Jujusrly speaking, Tasitolu kuandu rona iha palestra ruma, iha diskusaun ruma, no iha publisidade ruma isin fulun hamrik kedas. Maibé bá visita tok, Amo Papa mos bele doko ulun. Hau espera katak komisaun organizadora bele fo independensia ba Amo Papa atu bele hili lao ba areadores palku misa nian hodi hasoru povu sira iha favela Tasitolu. Laos hasoru deit maka ema no fatin nebe kriadu tanba iha osan nebe alokadu. Hanesan aeroportu, hotel no palasius sira. Ho nune maka Amo Papa bele hasoru duni povu puru no igreija puru iha Timor-Leste. Nune mos atu bele hare tok Amo Papa doko ulun ou lae.

*Espera katak artigu nee bele fo inspirasaun ruma.

Do Timorese Politicians think about Public Transport development Timor-Leste?

Dili 07 April 2024

The only way to answer the question is to interview or ask them directly. But it is undoable for the people like us. You can’t just go and toss random questions to them. Public forums and discussions are the occasions where this kind of question should be raised. Media journalists should expand their visions to that of stimulating the horizon of those politicians sitting in the National Parliament, and government offices to brain storm, to create regulations, and initiate policies and planning on Public Transport development. The Public Transport sector is comparably almost neglected even though it is the most utilized, the closest, and the most affordable mode of transport to low income and poor people on grass root level both in rural and urban areas.

Public Transport in Timor-Leste develops itself since the independence. Public transport vehicles are made available by individuals for business purposes. A kind of conventional regional busses and microlets (mini bus) were left by the Indonesian era; they now are obsolete and inoperable through license screenings. Public transport operators purchased individually new vehicles from abroad. This means that the fleet conditions are getting upgrade due to the initiatives taken individually by private operators. The recent introduction of Tum-Tum (an electric three wheeled motorcycle) by individuals is another example of the Public Transport has developed itself.

The government has many different roles in the development of public transport. However, it so far exercises only and limited to regulation and compliance of policy and regulatory framework. For example, it performs vehicle registration, inspection, driving license issuance according to the regulations currently in place; a lot of fines and catches are made as a result of enforcement. However, the government ignores the roles it should play to improve the individually-provided public transport services. For example, the government is not present in performing public transport planning and development, collaboration, leadership and innovation. As a result, the status quo has not changed.  

The status quo shows poor public transport services. The population in Timor-Leste is expected to grow resulting in higher trip demand, additional vehicles on the road and congestion, as well as more congested public transport operations. However, there is no planning for public transport service provision that can respond to the future demands.  Poor public transport vehicles that can affect safety of passengers, public transport services do not have adequate connectivity to jobs and services, limited oversight on efficiency, safety, convenience and attractiveness. This makes people do not feel attracted to use public transport. The most retarded condition is that public transport facilities such as terminals, bus stops, bus layovers have not even rehabilitated, not to mention, upgraded; and public transport service scheduling does not even exist.

Whereas there is a lot of potentiality that public transport can contribute for a modern of Timor-Leste. There is a huge percentage of low and even poor population. This group of population can only afford to use public transport as a means to access health, education, and market. If there is no connectivity, inadequate, unsafe public transport, it makes life even harder for them. More, public transport as a basic need for transportation, it can also help the economy as well making efficient movement in cities, Dili city in particular; public transport facilitates tourism. A unique benefit applies for Dili city; public transport will help reduce the pollution due to its mass capacity, then eventually improve the air quality.  

It is proven that the politicians from era to era have not thought about developing public transport in this country. Therefore, there has no change since independence. There is no point to pay attention to it because politicians don’t use public transport anymore; What they think about instead is use the public resources to maintain powers, enjoy privileges given by the state, and pay attention to joining WHO and ASEAN that can promote their popularity in the global arena.

*I hope this gives you an inspiration 

The Dying Yellow Taxi

Dili 22 December 2023

Blogging about yellow taxi came up to my mind when, today, I was driving to office. At Mandarin-Colmera junction I was almost hitting a yellow taxi from behind. The taxi does not have brake lights. The traffic light at the time was not functioning, while the taxi was speeding and hit the brake suddenly. I was at normal speed from behind, since there are no rear lights, I did not notice that he was slowing down. I almost kissed his ass.

Public Transport drivers’ behavior in Dili are usually not so friendly; they are also a bit indifferent. They do not care much about other road users’ safety but theirs; traffic rules are less upheld individually until police itself monitor and intervene. Both microlets and taxies pull over indifferently anywhere they are asked to do so by passengers. In Dili, there are no such predetermined buss stops and no such taxi layover stations. Thus, any point they pull over with no indicator lights being used is normal in the city.

Yellow taxi, people call it the legend of Dili city’s public transport. All of the yellow taxi fleet have been aging. Most if not all of them were imported since the beginning of the Independence era of Timor-Leste in 1999. They are now 24 years of age taxi but still in operation; the vehicles are wearing out, machines are obsolete, and their safety apparatus are not working anymore. When people drive and see a yellow taxi in front, they usually say it like a moving tree trunk crawling on the road because it does not have any more of headlights, brake lights, direction indicator lights, windshield wipers, but just a car body that is moving straight or leaning to left for a pull over.     

The legend should be in rest due to the age. They are no longer able to function due to obsolete machines and big number of mileages. Owners of yellow taxi have been desperately retaining the condition with extremely minimum investment to repair to a viable and safe standard. Most of the owners of yellow taxi come from lower-level income class who are desperately trying to survive in the hustle bustle of Dili city. The fact that the owners can’t afford to repair due to financial situation. Therefore, the taxies are operating and owners use the taxies as a source of income to sustain their lives. 

Given such situations, even though the government has a system to control all the operating public transport mode and fleet for safety and operational viability. Yellow taxies are not going to be wiped out by the controlling system but by its own destiny. Eventually, the taxies will die on roads one-day or never wake up anymore again on its last rest of the day. So, people! please drive safe in the streets of Dili. Be patient when you encounter yellow taxies. Yellow taxies are the legend of Dili city that cannot be wiped out until it dies off by its own. Even the government is inevitably keep it due to the complexity to solve.

*I hope this gives you an inspiration

Formasaun Favela Foun Komesa Iha Estuáriu Mota Comoro

   Dili Junho 04 2023

Iha sidade Dili, wain hira meiudia tempu Rai-Manas-Rai-Rahun (RMRR), ita hateke vizinho sorin-sorin hetan deit maka tembok uma oan sira sena malu; fatin ida atu ba hodi dada is netik maka Tasi Ibun. Tasi Ibun sira ne'e hanesan espasu puúbliku gratuita ema hotu hakarak ba tanba núdar sidadaun iha sidade, ita iha direitu ba espasu públiku. Maibé Tasi Ibun sira ne'e komesa okupa hotu ona; okupasaun espasu públiku sira ne'e ninia karáter atu ba iha formasaun favela Tasi Ibun nian.

Hanesan hare iha linha kosteira parte Embasada Japaun - Embasada Korea nian oin. NGO/grupu ativista ambientál sira halo sira nia initiatívu monta roda at oan sira hodi kria fatin tu'ur. Intesaun hirak ne'e kapas tebes, maibé komesa atrai ona atividade komersial não formal sira. Kalan ida iha fulan rua liu ba, hau liu ba husu Alin ida lere hela du'ut. Nia dehan hamos hodi fa'an kafé iha neba. Kondisaun ikus nian hatudu katak roda oan sira ne'e komesa kulafur ona, nakales ona, keleuk ona, ema soe foer arabiru, ema faan nu, faan doce, kareta-motor para konforme tuir idak-idak nia fiar.   

Fatin foun ida atu sai tan nune mos. Area Estuária mota Comoro nian. Fatin ne'e uluk ita akompanha hakmatek tebes ba animal sira. Liu-liu manu sira tanba iha neba sei iha ai hún barak no lá dun iha movimentu populasaun barak. Fatin ne'e mos kapas tebes ba ema sira atu hare loron tun iha tempu lorokoraik. Kompara Tasi Ibun sira seluk, hela ida ne'e deit maka ita sei hare rai luan oituan tanba seidauk iha desenvolvimentu makas.

Iha tinan hira ikus ne'e asesibilidafe ba parte neba, Estuário Mota Comoro komesa loke diak ona ba públiku. Estrada halo konesaun diak entre husi Pantai Kelapa - Ponte Komoro 1 no 2. Iha tinan kotuk Diresaun Nasional Transporte Terestres (DNTT) deside fo tan lisensa rute foun transporte públiku (mikrolet) numero 13. Ida ne'e loke tan movimentu diak ba populasaun sira nebe hela iha area neba. Visitante barak mos komesa ba ona pasiar iha area refere. Initiativu projetu seluk nebe iha impaktu signifikante tebes maka projetu rehabilitasaun ba konstrusaun baragem Mota Comoro parte tasi ibun nian. Projetu ida ne'e hadiak baragem too iha tasi. Projetu ida ne’e mos ateru diak tebes tasi ibun parte leste husi moru protesaun. Iha Mota Ain nian ne’e komesa ateru diak tebes hodi nune kareta-motor-lao mos asesu barak diak tebes hanesan hatudu iha imagem.

Fatin kapas tebes ona. Maibe komesa iha sinál-sinál sira nebe maka hau espilika kona ba Tasi Ibun area sentru nian. Ema komesa hatuur uma oan ida. Uma oan kuaze ho karater semi permanente tanba konstrui ho sumenti, no no hari besi rin sira. Tanba tasi ibun iha neba ne’e luan kapas no estratégiku, ita espera katak fulan ida mai tan, komesa Ramayo ona.

Area Estuário Mota Comoro wain hira lá kontrole maka sei kria favela seluk ida tan fali iha Dili laran. Desenvolvimentu Aerportu nebe maka lao hela dadauk sei atrai tan kriasaun favela. Sei iha Projetu asesibilidade foun ida tan, maka hanaran Ponte Asesu Kampung Marinir. Projetu ida ne’e sei halo fatin ne asesével liu tan nune sei halo movimentu barak. Maibe antes atu halo konstrusaun ba ponte foun refere, favela sei okupa tan Estrada nining sira too iha tasi ibun.  Nia konsekwensia maka estadu tengki hasai tan osan hodi kompensa fali povu sira nebe maka tuir lolos agora dadauk ne’e it abele prevene.

Tanba ne’e sekarik autoridada ruma maka lê hela karik, halo hela buat ruma ba. Primeiru maka prevene atu favela mosu iha neba. Nune aban bain rua Tasi Ibun ne’e reserve ba Espasu Públiku. Segundu maka prevene ema halo favela foun para wain hira projetu Ponte Foun ba asesu ba Kampung Marinir mai, Estadu lá presiza hasai tan osan hodi kompensa ema sira nebe se karik Afetadu.


*Espera katak artigu ne’e bele fo Inspirasaun  

Japan Kuru

                                      Photo 1. Japan Kuru in Lautem                                        

Dili, 11-02-2023
In Fataluku Language, Lautem native Language, we call it Japan Kuru. It literally means Japanese hole. Kuru means hole. We call it that way for underground holes or upward structures with wall barrier and roof built by WWII Japanese military. From the style of structure tells that it is for the Japanese military hiding place or military shelter. Some Japan Kuru are made from strong concrete. Many of this concrete type are still exist in many places. As far as my own knowledge, most of them can be found on the Northern Coast of Timor-Leste. Particularly along the coast of Manatuto – Baucau – Laga – Lautem. These are the places where Japan Kuru were strategically placed.  
You might have heard or even seen the most exposed WWII Japanese shelters like in Venilale, and other places too. Such these locations are usually close to national roadways, and named as national historical and tourism attraction sites. It is usually significant in terms of size, and its utilization in the past. I call it the mainstream touristic sites. Non adventurous tourists would only look for this kind because of easy access, and well known. 

Actually, there are many single or multiple Japan Kuru found sparsely in certain places.  It requires a little local knowledge to discover, or requires a little passionate hunting walk to look out for it. It is sometimes tricky as well.  Some Japan Kuru look similar to Portuguese fortress; it cannot be distinguished.  For example, the first photo, it is a Japan Kuru in Lautem town. The town used to be capital of Portuguese municipal administration. Thus, several Portuguese fortress, public buildings, and roads were built there. Unless you are a local, you don’t know if that is a Japan Kuru, but Portuguese building foundation remnant. It is barely noticeable without preexisting knowledge. It is only known if you are told by local friends. This Japan Kuru has not been exposed to media due to its insignificant size. 

Photo 2. Japan Kuru In Bui ho Mau

Another, in the second photo site is near Laivai Village, located near Bui-Ho Mau community settlement to be exact. I had not known this Japan Kuru by myself, even though I pass by it regularly, until somebody posted it on Facebook. I am quite a curious person. If I had noticed it, I would go and see it. But as I said before that most Japan Kuru sites are located a little bit far from the main road. Not only that some of Japan kuru which located exactly on the shoreline have been buried due to natural sand sedimentation; some have been taken over by nature. In some cases, locals reuse it for cattle cage.  For your reference I provide a map with generic indications on it. If you visit, you need to do more detailed research on site like asking locals to pinpoint the exact location. 

*I hope this gives you an inspiration.

Public Transport Bus: Kupang (Indonesia) – Dili (Timor-Leste)

Dili, 22 January 2023. 

I like riding public transport bus; I say this because I took bus in my college student times. Among others, why I like taking bus is because of social interaction and travel experience. For traveling, I don’t like go by airplane because I will not see new places along the way. I have done long-haul bus trips. The first one was from Bandung, West Indonesia to Bali. A google map shows me 1k KMs distance. The road geometry is not always straight or highway like. The second one was from Kansas, USA – Saint Louis – Chicago – Iowa – back to Kansas; I did also several other intermittent bus trips in other cities in the States. I am more excited sitting on double decker bus. I could observe things along the way, and much closer.    

Unfortunately, we don’t have public transport bus system here in Timor-Leste. I mean modern bus system. We do have bus services serving Dili city to municipalities. But they are more like transportation means than convenience and comfortability. In the year of 2023, the heyday and unstoppable of innovation and technology in transportation, Dili city, the capital of Timor-Leste does not even have urban bus system. Commuters are moved by microlets a kind of mini bus, and private vehicles. I don’t see a good future for this city if there is no bus system serving as mass transport to move people together so that their trips don’t harm their very environment and global.

It is good news to hear that Indonesian government and Timor-Leste government are about to launch a cross border/cross countries bust service. It is not known when the launch will take place but is seemingly imminent. As the picture shows, the bus is medium size, around 20-40 seat busses from the government of Indonesia which will operate between Kupang and Dili. Timor Leste side is also supposed to do the same. But there is no news yet on the preparation.

Even though the buses are medium size; I think they have ideal conditions for convenience and comfortability. I try so say that the busses are going to be serving with better standards than what we are having here in Timor-Leste.  Those are airconditioned, scheduled trips, organized ticketing system, and of course have professional and licensed drivers to drive.

Launch of the bus service will become a great precedence of transport development here in Timor-Leste. As I alluded previously that there is no improved bus system to start with, this initiative would provide a baseline. What I mean baseline is that we can test the initiative to learn from and improve. It is a test for market, and many other aspects. I don’t expect this project to be successful at this stage because I do believe that the firs test must have failures and that is the only way to bring about better public transport services for this country. There must be a start.

*I hope this gives you an inspiration.