Zero Kilometer Marker in Dili City

Dili, 20-02-2022.

When we notice, we all are certainly familiar with the model of these two tiny blocks in front of Palasiu Guvernu. It is known as road kilometer sign block marker. The similar blocks can be seen everywhere, so there is no doubt that we know what it is. However, I am afraid if you, people, know these blocks are different from the other thousands that you see in other places. I had never noticed these two blocks until the JICA Chief of Representative in Timor-Leste once asked me. “Dear Profirio san, do you know where the Zero Kilometer, the 0 point from which all roads in Timor-Leste area measured?.” I was wondering that I knew this kind of concept, but I have never seen one in Dili. I then immediately remembered and recalled one of my memories in the USA that reminds me exactly what the JICA Chief means.

Those two blocks are important for Timor-Leste. Many countries around the world also have Zero Kilometer setting point. It is usually located in the capital city of the country. In the capital city, the setting point is to measure the distances to the other parts of the country. The fundamental importance in Dili is to plan, to develop infrastructure, and to measure-then-visit places as far as Lautem (Jaco Island) and Oe-cusse. Even though it is important, there is no public knowledge about it as far as I observe. I assume that majority of the locals in Dili do not know the concept and the location itself; it is unknown to students, intellectuals, let alone public officials. It is also difficult to be noticeable by international travelers or tourists.

This is unfortunate because according my experience, the Zero Kilometer point should be one of the city attractions people could find in a capital city. It is potential to become another cool attraction for people visiting a capital city. I had that experience in the USA, Washington DC. The Zero Kilometer block is called Zero Milestone. The block marker is designed and placed in a strategically visible position in front of the White House. The size is also noticeable for people, its historic status and descriptions are all written on it. Visitors are literally in queue to take photos. I assume that the taking photo interest is attributable to the White House factor in my back; but the Zero Milestone monument of course enhances the experience, it is a one package experience, NOT only the White House. 


My intention of blogging about this is to spread the words out there to the public, and start to explore what we can do to enhance the value of Dili city. What I understand is that the mainstream attractions alone are not sufficient to make Dili attractive to be a new alternative in the South East Asia region. Tourism industry is so competitive nowadays; it is small things that count and build up the whole image of Dili city, the capital of Timor-Leste. I will personally raise this small but interesting topic in the relevant forums, discussions; if I ever get a chance, I would share it with the relevant individuals to think (LET US THINK BEFORE DOING). This is a small and petty stuff, but it could have huge impact in cumulative fashion.


**I hope this gives you an inspiration.  

The Fastest Chinese Store Construction in Fatuhada

I noticed this last year, but I had no time to blog about it until today. As far as I remember, this Chinese mall opened just one or two weeks before December 2021. The construction schedule seemed targeting afore December, the month which most Timorese spend money to welcome a Christmas and New Year. This is a real Chinese action I saw with my own eyes. I don’t know the size of this commercial building, you can make your own estimate, but the construction could finish less than two months. I paid attention to it every day I commute to work. The progress amazed me every day. The work duration was 247 during the construction period.  I still saw people working when I came back at like 1 or 2 am.

It is not only me saying this is the fastest building construction I have ever seen in Dili. But the FDTL commander, Lere Anan Timor, last year made a comment saying, “I am afraid of the Chinese building in front of my office; they built it incredibly fast.” Like me he also saw the building being erected and covered with the roof just within weeks. The owner was sprinting with the holiday season. It is therefore, he mobilized and invested all the resources he had to reach that goal.

Finally, they made it once finished. The store was full of people going to buy new and cheap stuff. The store is indeed more attractive than other Chinese stores in the area because it has an ample space to walk in, more options of choosing goods, and of course with the Chinese price. It has sufficient lighting that makes people feel comfortable and safer. However, this new commercial building adds up traffic congestion problem for the area. On-street parking and its U-turn location make the area becomes very congested in busy hours.  

*I hope this gives you an inspiration