Do advisers deserve super high salary?


I was a kind of pushed by the newly heated topic on Facebook these hours about public office consultant salary to write down this entry. Literally, it opens my eyes, truly, as wide as the Atlantic Ocean. I have heard of such a level of salary, but I have never seen that type of elitist list.  

As a human being, I am eager to be in that position, of course. Who does not want money receiving $ 11K per month? Of course no body. Based on this ideal, I would argue that none of those mentioned advisers, who are in the published list, deserves any blame from us. They are just ordinary people who were looking for a job, they got it, and now they are sustaining their life. Instead, my take is whether they deserve it.

My personal experiences and anecdotes. Have you ever seen an adviser who acts like the actual boss in public offices? I have seen and worked with some. Some national and international advisers in Timor act like they are the boss, so you imagine what they would do. Treating an adviser like a boss is making him/her not deserve a special salary. They may come to the office at will. They would expect making instruction rather than being instructed to do jobs. The system has become acute that no body can revolutionize it. One thing to remember is, for example, the relationship between an adviser and a boss is not random. You background check them, they are from one coin with two sides. How can a boss treat an adviser like a real adviser? Although working with such a challenge, bosses and advisers can still overcome their special relationship that hinders their productivity if they value professionalism and, most importantly, the national interest higher than anything else they hold.

The real advisers provide technical services. Their brains should be more “sophisticated” than bosses’ and regular staffs’ whom they advise. Some advisers complain that they do their best, but politic decides everything. This slot is where advisers demonstrate their expertise. They come up with complicated equations/engineering models/fact-based reasoning to explain which decision is reasonable and which one is not. They are sitting at the second row of the seat to provide numbers/ideas/opinions for bosses to inform or to negotiate with others. Advisers work with the existing system to improve, and innovate working systems, to solve problems rationally, and to transfer know-how.

These are what I see real advisers will deserve super high salary if they function that way. I don’t quantify to what extent those money spent have had impacts on the variables of public services in the country. But I would say, advisors’ expertise has not been tapped to the fullest. I am not saying to eliminate them nor decrease their salary, instead creating a management system in order to put them in the maximum function mode. Force them to work as how they are paid. This is what I cant see. 

Hope this gives you an inspiration. 

Being An African Just For 10 Minutes


I have been Africanized this past two weeks through African songs. I participated in a musical performance with the very nice and lovable friends from Africa, who called me to take part in a kind of cultural exchange event. The purpose of the event was for people in the school community, KU to come to learn more about African countries. That day was dedicated for only three countries: Sudan, Nigeria and Kenya. When I attended the event, I did not feel like the event was dedicated for only these three countries. I did not see much difference between these three with the others, until I saw each country’s boundary drawn on the map showed on the large projector screen. That attitude comes up because Africa has such a unity not only because all nations sit on one main land (hope I am not wrong), but also having similar English accent (according to my ears), and one other note is their brotherhood is strong even they just know each other overseas. I found this similar to what I have back in my country. This makes hardly distinguishable in terms of nationality.

I took part in that performance because, first, I like music (particularly folk music or traditional music that has been incorporated into pop genre), and second they are my friends of course. But really, beyond that, Africa is rich of culture. I don’t know much about the other art, but musical art from Africa has a character. Songs are unique and distinguishable from any other types that we hear across the world. Not to mention its influence on the current world music taste like Hip Hop and Rap music. Dance moves even make them more typical and unique. I remember Waka Waka. 

I have been familiar to African songs beats back in my country. The way how African-typical music is heard in my country is not because of internet, or youtube. It is because we have some historical connection from two to three Portugues colonials in African that brought their songs in. Even though most songs are in Portugues language, their African thing is always there, like melody characters, and beats. So, that makes me feel like I can get the soul when I play an instrument.  
I had no idea about the songs we played. They are in Swahili. One of the widely spoken languages in African continent. I learned that I need to, at least, learn Swahili basics if I ever plan to visit this one of the two continents that I have not touched my feet on. To practice Swahili here are few words to memorize right here and right now. Asante=thank you, Mimi=I, Hujambo=hello, Milele=forever, Habari=How are you. I learned these words from the songs that we played and I heard them from people talking. This has added my-only: Akunamatata.

**Hope this gives you an inspiration

Inaguração Projeto Infrastutura Luxo

Reitor universidade koa fita ba rehabilitação estrada sustentável

Bolu modelo Sana mak ne'e
Imagem iha leten ne’e ha’u bolu hanesan ceremónia inaguração nebé ha’u adora tebes. Ne’e laos tanba ceremónia ne’e luxo: ema bo’ot barak mak marka presenca, hahan barak, hemu wiskey, ou festa bo’ot. Maibe, tanba ninia simplicidade nebe mak tau prioridade as liu ba ‘isin’ duke ‘kulit.’ Isin tanba, obra nebe maka halo nia inaguração bá ‘koa fita’ ne’e remata keleur ona. Ninia qualidade diak tebes. Koa fita ne tan neing perturba público nia interese maske halao los iha fatin babain ema nungka mamuk. Evento ne’e acontese hanesa express, lori 20 minutos deit pasa ona. Ema fila isin tama ba ida-idak ninia baraka hodi halo servicos.   

Ida seluk tan maka inaguração ne’e lao hanesan festa ceremónia ema kiak nian. Público mai rona reitor universidade ninia palestra badak ne’e ho hamrik deit, iha loron matan okos; laiha ema ida (ita nian karik) maka tara salenda ba reitor ou ema dignitários seluk ninia kakorok wain hira sira mosu iha fatin. Ida seluk maka, ema la oferece aihan bo’ot ou luxo. Laiha koa dosi andar ou rabenta tinto botir. Público consume deit dosi bolo, pan cake. Pan cake ne’e ninia modelu ou forma ita hare hanesan sana, maibe la bo’ot no la belar hanesan ne’e. Imajina, han bolo mak be hemu laiha, sa tan kamat rua dala ida, bolo belit iha kakorok dada is la diak hotu.

Estrada Transformado 
Ceremónia hanesan ne’e acontese ba projeito físico nebe ho orçamento 11 milhões, pois aumenta tan 600 mill? ‘Fonte ne’e dehan.’ Ouh, então ne’e ita balun admira wain hira tutan hamutuk buat sira nebe maka acontese iha Timor. Baku fila deit lia fuan nebe hau temi iha leten. Karik ita comprende kedas saida mak bai-bain ita halo iha Timor quando compara ho saida maka hau conta hela ne’e.

Parte luxo mak ida ne’e. Perspetiva luxo husi ema ne’e ninian, maibe karik ita considera hanesan la moderno ida. Primeiro mak, inaguração ne’e halo ba projeto ida bolu dehan infrastrutura sustentavel. Projeto infrastutura ne’e haforca estrada no systema drainagem. Objetivo maka atu halo drainagem sira lao ho sustentavel; laos deit uja sumente no besi hodi facilita udan ben halai lalais maibe mos imita systema natureza. Componente natureza nian hanesan du’ut, kuda ai barak nebe abut bele susu be lalais no abut bele kaer metin rai ho força. Hirak ne’e sira considera hanesan projeto luxo tanba, agora rai nebe ita hela la diak liu maske ita uja sasan moderno deit. Karik ida ne’e ita considera laos luxo iha ita nia rain. 

Besi at mak ne'e
Segundo luxo maka, bis bestua ida bolu dehan KU Trolley ne’e maka tula reitor universidade nian mai fatin ceremónia. Bis bestua ne’e ema cuidado los hanesan osan mean bo'ot iha comunidade universidade ninian. Iha fatin ceremónia nian, público hotu hotu hateke bestua ne’e matan naklosu hanesan feto ran ida hare mane klosan bonito ida liu ba  ou mane klosan ida tolan kaben wain hira hare feto metan midar ou feto mutin ida liu iha ninia oin. Ema barak husu hakarak sae fali hanesan ne'e do que bis ida nebe mak sofer buti deit butão odamatan loke ona. Sira considera ida ne’e hanesan recurso luxo tanba valor istoria nian nebe sei nugka bele hetan wain hira sira failha preserva. Bestua ne’e sai mai halo operacão iha tinan 1910. Ne'e transporte primeiro ba escola. Tanba ne iha valor as tebes.

Istória ne hatudo licão mai ita katak, atu sai sociadade nebe mak desenvolvido ita la presija tengki moris hanesan ema rico. Halao sasan ho simplicidade, liu-liu tuir capacidade ita nian, ne furak liu do que ita halo buat nebe mak força la too maibe dudu deit. 

 **Espera katak istória ne’e bele fo inspiração