Superb activity in SAME almost paralyzes most of the public
services here in DILI. One and half million dollar was allotted for the co-celebration
of 100 of revolt in SAME along with 28th November known as proclamation
of Independence.
That was a kind of policy trend, which was aimed to allow public in Timor Leste to participate the event that organized by the
government. Therefore, no matter public services are running or not, boasting
on the success of the celebration is the important thing than public interest.
November is one of historical months for the country, more public holidays are expected. Tolerancia do Ponto means, the day before or
even the day after national holiday, public offices are advised to tolerate
staffs' absence. What a public management!.
It is no longer bizarre to find a public office is just left
a cleaner behind to keep the office while the others like chiefs, directors, professional
staffs, administration and finance officers are gone for the activity whether
in DILI or in the district. From 24th – 30th November
public attention will be in SAME because of one and half million has been sent