Obama Terlihat Secara Langsung Tapi Dia Tidak Menoleh

Obama sedang berpidato
Obama mungkin sangat jarang dilihat secara langsung. Maksudnya, dia orangya super sibuk dengan orang-orang penting bukan cuman hanya di Amerika, tapi di seluruh dunia. Jadi udah taulah, pasti banyak kegiatan seperti rapat-rapat, ngomong-ngomong di tengah kerumunan orang “kaya orang Malaisie aja nih, saya.” Jadi, liat Obama palingan cuman di TV sama Internet. Maksud saya gini loh… emang susah dilihat karena jarang muncul di tempat masyarakat umum kecuali kampanye atau semacamnya. Ditambah lagi dengan ketatnya protocol dan pengawalan. Beda dibanding dengan pemimpin lain karena seperti di Eropa, ada beberapa kepala negara: Perdana Menteri atau Presiden yang pulang pergi ke kantor jalan sendiri baik itu pake sepeda, kereta api atau bis. Nah ini yang sebenarnya aku suka kalo para pemimpin di negara saya ngikutin gaya begini dan bukan gaya Obama yang super ketat itu.    

Wrap Up Story and Photos of The Homecoming Trip

Gedung Sate, Bandung.

     I feel like our campuses should have homecoming tradition. Homecoming is a typical US tradition, but it is worth to adopt because Alumni who are graduated from a university would usually like to come back to visit the university where they use to study and live if they miss it. I take the example myself that I missed Bandung so much after leaving the city for a half decade. Now, I am here and just wrapped up my homecoming, I call it, by putting the photos in this blog.

Ridwan Kamil’s Effects in Bandung

     I did not know anything about Ridwal Kamil until my Facebook wall was flooded with news about his breakthrough policies on how to build the city of Bandung for everyone. He is not only a great initiator, but also an energetic and aggressive leader because he speeds up projects implementation schedules. He does not linger in deciding projects that are related public welfare. If I am not mistaken, he decided multiple projects within one year which rarely happened before. Projects were all meant to benefit the public, such as improving public parks, public transport systems, solving social problems like beggar and busker. In addition, he is so distinct and deserves to be touted as an excellent mayor because Bandung has been 100 years and so old, and during this time period, the development has been sluggish like a turtle walks. There have been multiple tenures in the mayor seat, even some of them had led the city for two periods. However, there was no significant progress had been done until his leadership.  

Air Asia

     Most people are afraid of what has hit the Indonesian Airline industry in recent weeks. Air Asia, an affordable airline in Indonesia crashed into the sea when on its way to Singapore from Surabaya, Indonesia. There are lots of people who lost their loved ones. It was reported that 162 people were in the plane. It was a big news until France’s and caused worrisome for those who will travel in the region to be picky when they travel. One might not be interested on my story here about the accident because thousands of instant news outlets around the World were reporting it, telling people what happened and went wrong. It makes this story sounds nothing; however, what would you feel if you found out that a plane of the airline you took last week to somewhere had just crashed?