US Mercy Ship in Dili

Today afternoon, I was strolling at the beach. See the picture up there. The ship did not have much activity. It looked so calm by the time the sun was about to disappear and be eaten by the horizon.  

The ship comes from the US, called US Mercy ship. It is here in Dili (East Timor) for a humanitarian visit. It carries doctors and surgeons to provide free health services to patients.

Doctors in it come from many different nationalities. From America, Australia and South East Asian countries. That is what I heard when I was once invited to tour in there four years ago. This week I saw it comes again.

It will provide medical assistance to patients who have got recommendation from local medics. There, patients will receive medical examinations and surgeries to various diseases.

It will also stop by in other Asia pacific countries like Indonesia, the Philippines, etc. to provide the same services; the visit is a huge help for East Timor because people from rural areas who cannot afford to go to doctor will receive a privileged treatment.  

**I hope this gives you an inspiration 

Triste no Hirus Dala Ida


Triste tebes ohin meiu dia hau sai nudar sasin ba cruelidade desijaun ida husi ita nia nain ulun sira hodi harahun estátua ou uma adat oan ida iha rotunda estrada Mercado Municipal--Estadio Municipal nian. Ha’u haré bulldozer ida nia kakorok naruk kesi tutan ho martélu bo’ot maka baku no tú’u fila—fila uma oan ne too rahun-rihun ba rai leten.

Nudar humanu ida nebe iha sentimentu, maske ida ne’e laos criatura moris, maibe hau triste tebes wain hira haré ita nia desijaun hirak ne’e. Maske uma adat ne’e hare kikoan no lá vale, maibé ninia presensa ba ita nudar populasaun senti rotunda ne’e iha ona karater ketak ida ba ita sira nebe lor-loron halo movimentu iha estrada neba. 
Problema mak uma adat oan iha rotunda ne’e hau senti ema foin halo iha tinan hirak liu ba. Agora ita tengki baku rahun tomak. Tanba saida? Iha Timor, ita iha crise moral no étika ba profisaun balun nebe namkari iha instituisaun balun. Quando ita baku rahun sasan kada tinan hanesan ne, ita lá respeita ona ita nia resultado servisu origin, ita la respeita ona karater no valor nebe inherente husi sasan ida nebe ita hari ona.

Ita kán liu ba osan, ba físiku nebe laos tanba valor maibé tanba ho pinta—pinti ho kor oi-oin, ita kán liu ba festa, ita kán liu ba celebrasaun. Ita haluha ona katak wain hira ita mantein sasan tuan nebe ita hari uluk ona, ne signifika katak ita apresia ita nia idea, ita nia servisu, ita nia kreatividade. So lideres prematura deit mak la tau valor ba nia idea, kreatividade nebe nia rasik inicia. Tanba ne’e mak ohin nia halo, aban ba soe deit ou baku rahun deit.

Ema mentalidade destroidor deit maka hanoin halo ohin aban baku rahun tomak no halo foun deit. Ne mentalidade grupo intelektual nebe jagoan terlambat iha tempu mundu modernijasaun agora ninian. Ita nia nai ulun sira presija pikiniki (picnic) barak. 

Se karik nia rajaun tanba uma adat oan ne’e at ona, ntaun nia pergunta mak ne’e, tanba sa mak uluk la halo diak kedan para hodi dura netik tinan lima ba leten? Agora mak ita tengki halo fila-fila kada tinan ba tinan. Hau hanoin katak sorti estatua Nai Jesus Cristo ne nudar Maromak, se lae ida ne’e mos ema bele hanoin at hela mak ne. Tanba tauk tama inferno, sira troka ba troka mai kada tinan mak fasilidade no infraestrutura iha estatua ne’e nia okos deit.

Baku rahun tomak sasan ne laos alternativa mesak deit. Alternativa seluk presija tau hodi tetu par fo balansu ba interese entre saida mak ita iha ona no saida mak ita hakarak iha tempu oin mai. Kuandu idea mak buntu ou hotu ona, hanoin maka destroy los deit.
Sentimentu tristeja ida ne’e mosu wain hira ohin hau asiste ekipa destroyer baku rahun strutura uma adat ne ho live ou Timor balun bolu dehan siarang lansu. Hau ohin la konsege foti fotografia. Deskulpa!

**Espera artigu ne halo ita bot triste mos no fo inspirasaun dala ida